Lifedop, The Midwifery Doppler Of Choice

The on-call Midwife has a number of things running through their mind as they respond to the call of duty.
The one thing that it should not have to be is if their fetal Doppler is working or not. Amidst the gear in every midwifes pack is a fetal Doppler. This is an expensive device that has a fragile ultrasound crystal in the tip of the probe. It is also an imperative instrument in the assessment of the patient they are going to see.
With all of the transportation and the mobile nature of this profession, the doppler must perform well clinically, resist damage and perform with long life. In the event it is damaged, it must be readily serviced in Canada where turn around time is efficient and reasonable in cost. A midwife must have a fully functional Doppler at all times.
In recent years, the Lifedop Doppler has come out on top as the “Doppler of choice” for the midwifery practice due to the excellent clarity but also the impeccable service record. As a service centre for dopplers in Canada, our top selling Doppler is also the model that we see least for repairs. These features are very important to the travelling midwife!