Intermittent Auscultation of Fetal Heartbeats

The more things change, the more they stay the same - Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (1808-1890)
Obstetrics has evolved over the years, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and well-established techniques. Yet, Intermittent auscultation of the fetal heartbeat is as critical today as its inception.
Understanding Intermittent Auscultation:
Intermittent auscultation refers to the periodic listening of fetal heartbeats using a stethoscope or handheld Fetal Doppler. Unlike continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), which involves constant fetal heart rate monitoring, intermittent auscultation offers a less invasive approach while maintaining a human healthcare provider's watch on the mother's and the baby's well-being.
Procedure and Clinical Significance:
Fetal Doppler: A trained healthcare professional uses a handheld Fetal Doppler to listen to the heartbeats at predetermined intervals, typically during contractions or at regular intervals during labour.
The Right Probe: Although most obstetrical probes will cover a broad spectrum of fetal gestations, the 3MHz probe is generally considered the better option for the early term, while the 2Mhz is later or deeper in penetration. A simple rule to follow is that the higher the MHz value, the shallower the detection.
Detecting Patterns and Changes: Intermittent auscultation allows healthcare professionals to assess the fetal heart rate patterns and detect deviations from the norm. This method provides insight into the baby's response to contractions and overall well-being.
Benefits and Considerations
Reduced Intervention: Intermittent auscultation minimizes the need for constant electronic fetal monitoring, reducing maternal mobility restrictions and the risk of interventions resulting from false alarms.
Patient Mobility: Unlike continuous EFM, which often involves being tethered to an antepartum monitor, intermittent auscultation allows mothers to remain ambulatory.
Nursing Interaction: There was a time when central EFM monitoring was widespread; however, it became apparent that without the nurse being face-to-face with the patient, there was an inherent risk of missing a critical sign of deteriorating maternal health.
Reducing Stress: Mothers need assurance from professional nursing that everything is okay. When they hear their baby's heartbeat and a kind nurse's face, it is reassuring. Especially when compared to a monitor spitting out waveforms that they don't understand, alarms beeping and LED numbers on the screen that they are unfamiliar with.
Effective: Intermittent auscultation is a simple yet effective way to determine the patient's health. As a manual procedure, it allows the user to adjust and adapt to changes in health quickly.
Balancing Tradition and Technology:
Intermittent auscultation is still very much part of modern obstetric practice. It respects the natural progression of labour while leveraging the expertise of healthcare professionals to ensure fetal well-being. In cases where continuous monitoring is warranted due to high-risk factors or specific clinical indications, intermittent auscultation can still play a role during non-stress tests or low-risk situations.
Intermittent auscultation of fetal heartbeats remains a valuable technique in obstetric care, emphasizing the importance of skilled assessment and the art of connecting with both the mother and her unborn child. By combining this technique with other forms of monitoring when necessary, healthcare professionals ensure comprehensive care that respects the unique journey of each pregnancy and labour.